Millefeuille is a dessert that combines flaky puff pastry with pastry cream and delicious berries. I chose to make it to represent the boujiest, most French Disney movie — The Aristocats.

Millefeuille is deceptively simple to make, if you’re comfortable making puff pastry (and if you’re not you can always buy it). If you’re looking to make your own, you can always follow the recipe from my Star-Shaped Mushroom Puffs. Otherwise, the main thing to make here is a pastry cream.

For this recipe, you will need:

  • 11.6 oz almond or soy milk
  • 1 oz honey
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 2 oz cornstarch
  • powdered sugar
  • blueberries
  • raspberries

To make the pastry cream, start by combining the almond milk, honey, and vanilla in a pot or small saucepan. Slowly sift the cornstarch in and whisk it well.

Cook this mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly to keep it from getting lumpy and making sure nothing sticks to the bottom of pan. As soon as you notice the cream starting to thicken, remove it from the heat and keep stirring for at least 30 seconds.

Preheat your oven to 390F and roll out the puff pastry to about 1/4inch thick, and cut the pastry into rectangles about 6″x2″. Transfer the rectangles to a baking sheet and poke each one with a fork. Dust them with powdered sugar and bake for 15-20 minutes.

Once the pastry and the cream is cooled, pipe the cream over one layer of pastry, and add some raspberries and blueberries. Top it with another layer of pastry, more cream and berries, and one more layer of pastry.

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